Archive for July, 2012

My First Nail How-To

This is actually the first how-to I have ever done so I really hope you all like it and it helps!  Okay, so here is an outline of the steps to help make it a little easier for you.  By the way, I’m no nail technician so yes, I know they aren’t perfect but for nails done at home they definitely work, I save a lot of money by doing my nails myself and I always get compliments on them. So if you aren’t doing them yourself and you are paying to get manicures and pedicures then you should REALLY consider trying it yourself, it’s not nearly as hard as it looks once you get the hang of it.

  1. Use nail polish remover if needed, make sure you get ALL other nail polish removed before even starting.  I like to use nail polish remover containing acetone, if you have sensitive nails though I suggest using acetone free remover.  Acetone can be a little harsh on your nails but it really removes polish the best.
  2. I used Pure Ice-Scream for my base color, I bought it at Walmart for like two bucks.  Apply ONE coat of whatever base color you choose to use.  You really don’t want to do too many coats because then your nails will have a hard time drying properly and will get messed up right away!  That is always the mistake I seem to make haha.
  3. After your base coat has dried all the way, use a black nail polish to do the zebra print.  I used Kiss Nail Art Paintyou can really use any black polish you choose but it really helps if you use one that is made for nail art and has a thinner brush.  This makes it much easier to do thin lines and intricate designs.  Zebra print is, in my opinion, the easiest design to do on nails…it’s quite simple actually, you just do kind of random lines starting on the outside and going towards the center so they get thinner and come to a point in the middle.  If you haven’t done it before then practice a little bit and you should get good pretty quickly.
  4. Next, use the white polish for the tips, I used Kiss Nail Art Paint which again has a thinner brush.  For some reason this is always the hardest part for me, I guess I’ve just never been too good at french tips.  Many people do it though so I’m guessing it’s easy for other people.  I always start by brushing the white polish across the corners of my nails and then connecting them in the middle…keep in mind that you do not want to have too much or too little polish on the brush, to much will make it messy and too little won’t let it make a clean line.
  5. Finally, the last step is to put on your top coat.  I used NYC Extra Shiny Topcoat but any topcoat you wish to use will be fine.  I have even used a matte topcoat which can look really wonderful with the right nail designs (I did it with a orange/gray/white/black tribal design and it was my favorite ever).  Make sure to give your nails time to drybetween each step and also after you have finished your nails…you don’t want to spend thirty minutes doing your nails and mess them up before anyone even sees them!Good Luck!!!
    Yours Truly, Brittnay♥

It’s a Vintage Day!

It's a Vintage Day!

Vintage dress
$16 –

Miss Selfridge t shirt

Levi Strauss & Co flare jeans
$175 –

Jimmy choo shoes

Platform shoes

Gucci canvas tote bag

Gemstone jewelry
$185 –

The other day I had some time to kill and I was going through my movies and pulled out my unopened copy of Breakfast at Tiffany’s…well needless to say I couldn’t allow such an amazing movie go unopened any longer.  This is one of my favorite movies to watch, it is such an inspiration to me and Audrey Hepburn is just absolutely fabulous in this movie.  Audrey Hepburn brings skinny jeans and the classic little black dress to a whole new level, she really is amazing.  Enough of me gabbing about my love for Audrey’s amazing style, I decided to do a post about the impact Breakfast at Tiffany’s had on fashion.  To be honest before today I had never really researched the impact it made on fashion very much, I mean I grew up loving Audrey Hepburn so I knew that she wears her little black dress like she invented it, but is she the one responsible for making it a classic?  Well, that’s the question I set out to answer tonight.

The dress she wore in Breakfast at Tiffany’s was produced by couturier Hubert de Givenchy actually for her to wear in the movie.  The designer/actress duo had already worked together in Sabrina in 1954 and Funny Face in 1957 but Breakfast at Tiffany’s would end up being their chef doeuvre.  In 1961 fans of the movie were stunned by the chic beauty of Hepburn wearing the little black dress with a pattern back.  She accessorized this plain ol’ dress with a rhinestone tiara on her highlighted beehive hairdo, black satin gloves, a lovely pearl necklace, and dark sunglasses.  All together the classic dress was transformed, showing off the wonder of accessorizing.  Audrey Hepburn set the standards for women in fashion forever.  Givenchy created the time-honored “definitive LBD”  for Hepburn’s character (Holly Golightly) in the movie.  Holly Golightly has a penny pinching style sense, but is still always looking extremely fashionable.  Holly, a bit of a wild card, is always in a rush to get ready due to her untamed night life.  The LBD fits her character so well, it is simple and quick, but throw on a few accessories and you can turn a dull outfit into an astonishing ensemble.  Hepburn revolutionized the simple LBD when she displayed it in a more ostentatious way and showed that a LBD could not only be a simple outfit but also an elegant beauty with the right accessories.  Hepburn will always go down in fashion history for making the little black dress an absolute must have for every fashionable woman.

A Few Holly Golightly Quotes:
“You could always tell what kind of a person a man thinks you are by the earrings he gives you. I must say, the mind reels. “
“The blues are because you’re getting fat and maybe it’s been raining too long, you’re just sad that’s all. The mean reds are horrible. Suddenly you’re afraid and you don’t know what you’re afraid of.”
“I’m like cat here, a no-name slob. We belong to nobody, and nobody belongs to us. We don’t even belong to each other.”
“I’ve got to do something about the way I look. I mean a girl just can’t go to Sing Sing with a green face. “
“It’s useful being top banana in the shock department.”
“A girl can’t read that sort of thing without her lipstick”
“Anyone who ever gave you confidence, you owe them a lot.”

Now if you haven’t seen Breakfast at Tiffany’s I suggest you get on netflix and watch it right away, everytime I do by the end of the movie I feel like a transformed woman and then spend hours trying on clothes and new hairstyles…it’s just such an inspirational movie.

-yours truly,
post.script. – sorry about the sloppiness of this particular post…it’s really late and I have been working all week and I have to get up in the morning for work very early…the content of this post is great, it just looks a little messy due to sleep deprivation. Goodnight 🙂